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The History of Praise and Poetry Jam

In March 2011, was the first Praise and Poetry Jam hosted by Sweet Communion Baptist Church in order to showcase the different gifts and talents by their members. No one knew what to expect at first, but when it was all over, EVERYONE wanted to have it again!


This event presented the opportunity for many to display their abilities in creative writing and music. Each time the event was held, people who were once nervous about being on stage, stepped out of the shadows, and into the spotlight. Some were poets, songwriters, musicians, praise dancers, and recently rappers.


Today, it continues, now open for the public to participate and drawing bigger audiences each time it happens.


Praise and Poetry Jam is a FREE event to attend!!!



How is the event structured?

This event runs nearly 2 hours depending on the number of artists and the length of their pieces. There is an event line -up so each artists will know when their turn is up and the audience will know who'll be next to minister. The order in which the artist go is chosen at random prior to the event, unless at the request of an artist to be first, last, or somewhere in the middle of the event. Artists does not go twice in a row if he/she has more than one piece. He/she will minister once in the first half and once again after the intermission.


At the end we have a time of fellowship with food and beverage for the guest and artists.

How do I sign up?

The coordinators and PPJ crews members begin signing up artists a month before the next event. We use social media, word-of-mouth, and sometimes take references to find artists from all over to come minister at our event. If you're interested in knowing more about this event and/or signing up to minister, please go to the CONTACT INFO page and send us your info. After you hear back from us, you'll receive a response from us asking for your information.

We only sign up CHRISTIAN/GOSPEL artists!

This event is about given glory and honor to God, so we are careful in selecting who will be ministering at this event.

We look for Christian singers, praise dancers, rapper, poets, musicians, or any other talent use to worship the Lord.


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